Joshua, the Strong and Courageous Tracker

Today, the children began the story of Joshua, the Strong and Courageous Tracker. They explored the moment when Joshua took over leadership after Moses and how God instructed him to be strong and courageous in leading the Israelites. Through this lesson, the children discovered:

  • God’s Command to Joshua: The children learned how God repeatedly told Joshua to be strong and courageous because He would be with him wherever he went. They saw how God’s presence gave Joshua confidence and strength to lead.
  • Trusting in God’s Presence: The lesson emphasized that Joshua’s success wasn’t because of his own strength but because of God’s constant presence and guidance.
  • Courage in Leadership: The children were encouraged to trust God and be courageous, just like Joshua, when facing challenges in their own lives.

This lesson highlighted the importance of courage, trust in God, and following His guidance in all situations.

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