Moses, the Chosen Tracker, Part 2

Today, the children continued their journey with Moses, the Chosen Tracker in part two of the series. They explored the powerful story of the ten plagues that God sent upon Egypt to convince Pharaoh to let the Israelites go. Through this lesson, the children discovered:

  • The Ten Plagues: The children learned about each of the ten plagues, from the water turning to blood to the death of the firstborn. They saw how each plague demonstrated God’s power and His determination to free His people from slavery.
  • God’s Justice and Mercy: The lesson emphasized that while the plagues were severe, they were just consequences of Pharaoh’s stubbornness and refusal to listen to God. Despite the severity, God showed mercy by giving Pharaoh multiple chances to change his mind.
  • The Passover: The children were introduced to the concept of Passover, where the Israelites were saved from the final plague by marking their doors with the blood of a lamb—a symbol that points forward to Jesus, the Lamb of God.

This lesson highlighted the themes of God’s power, justice, and the importance of obedience and trust in God’s plan.

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