Moses, the Chosen Tracker, Part 1

Today, the children began a new series focusing on Moses, the Chosen Tracker. They explored the early life of Moses, focusing on his miraculous survival as a baby and his calling by God through the burning bush. Through this lesson, the children discovered:

  • Moses’ Early Life: The children learned about how baby Moses was hidden in a basket to save his life and how he was later adopted by Pharaoh’s daughter.
  • The Burning Bush: They explored the moment when God called Moses from the burning bush, where God revealed His name as “I AM” and gave Moses a special mission to lead the Israelites out of Egypt.
  • God’s Calling: The lesson emphasized that despite Moses’ past mistakes and his doubts about his abilities, God chose him for a great purpose and promised to be with him.

The lesson highlighted that just as God called Moses by name and had a plan for his life, He also calls each of us for a special purpose.

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