Jacob, the Changed Tracker

Today, the children learned about Jacob, the Changed Tracker. They explored the story of how Jacob, once known for his deceit, was transformed by God into the leader of a great nation. Through this lesson, the children discovered:

  • Jacob’s Deception: The children learned about Jacob’s trickery in deceiving his father, Isaac, and his brother, Esau, to obtain the blessing meant for the firstborn.
  • Jacob’s Dream: They were introduced to the story of Jacob’s dream, where he saw a ladder reaching to heaven with angels ascending and descending. This dream symbolized God’s invitation for Jacob to change and follow Him.
  • God’s Transformation: The lesson emphasized how God changed Jacob’s heart and even his name, making him Israel, the father of a great nation.

The lesson highlighted the power of God to transform lives and emphasized that, just as Jacob was changed, God can work in our lives to bring about great changes.

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