Noah, the Tracker Who Walked with God

Today, the children learned about Noah, the Tracker Who Walked with God. They explored the story of Noah, focusing on his obedience to God and the importance of walking by faith, not by sight. Through engaging activities and demonstrations, they discovered:

  • Noah’s Relationship with God: Noah was recognized as a man who walked closely with God, which made him stand out from others in a world filled with wickedness.
  • The Ark and the Flood: The children learned about God’s instructions to Noah to build the ark and gather animals, and how Noah faithfully followed God’s commands, even when others mocked him.
  • God’s Covenant: They were introduced to the concept of a covenant, learning that after the flood, God made a lasting promise to Noah and all humanity, symbolized by the rainbow.

The lesson emphasized that just as Noah walked with God and trusted Him, we are also called to walk by faith, trusting in God’s guidance and promises.

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