From Sunday to Everyday

Welcome to “From Sunday to Everyday,” a space where we extend the message of Sunday’s sermon into your daily life. Here, you can expect to find reflections, practical applications, and spiritual encouragements inspired by Pastor Thomas Long’s teachings. Each week, we’ll dive deeper into the sermon, offering insights and actions to help you stay connected to the Word and grow in your faith throughout the week. Whether you’re looking to reflect on the message, engage with scripture, or find inspiration for your spiritual journey, this is the place to nurture your soul from Sunday to everyday.

  • A Prayer for Strength to Be Doers of the Word

    A Prayer for Strength to Be Doers of the Word

    As we close out the week, let’s come together in prayer for the strength to be doers of the word: “Heavenly Father, thank You for the gift of Your word, which guides us in all truth. We ask for Your help in being more than just hearers of Your word—give us the strength and courage…

  • The Power of Putting Faith into Action

    The Power of Putting Faith into Action

    Pastor Long shared how being a doer of the word is more than just hearing—it’s about putting our faith into action. James 1:27 tells us that “religion that God our Father accepts as pure and faultless is this: to look after orphans and widows in their distress and to keep oneself from being polluted by…

  • Living Out Your Faith Daily

    Living Out Your Faith Daily

    In his sermon, Pastor Long highlighted practical ways to be doers of the word, as instructed in James 1:17-27. This week, let’s commit to applying these teachings in our daily lives. Whether it’s through taming our tongues, caring for the vulnerable, or resisting the pull of the world, we are called to live differently as…

  • Are You a Doer or a Hearer?

    Are You a Doer or a Hearer?

    Pastor Long’s sermon emphasized the difference between simply hearing the word of God and actively doing it. James 1:22 reminds us, “Do not merely listen to the word, and so deceive yourselves. Do what it says.” Take some time today to reflect on your own life—are there areas where you’ve been more of a hearer…

  • Being Doers of the Word

    Being Doers of the Word

    Yesterday, Pastor Thomas Long shared an insightful message from James 1:17-27, challenging us to not just hear the word but to be doers of it. Pastor Long reminded us that it’s easy to hear God’s word, but it requires action to live it out in our daily lives. James offers practical advice on how we…

  • A Prayer for Spiritual Protection

    A Prayer for Spiritual Protection

    As we prepare to close out the week, let’s come together in prayer for spiritual protection: “Heavenly Father, we thank You for the Armor of God that You have provided to protect us in the spiritual battles we face. We ask that You help us remember to put on this armor every day, starting with…

  • The Consequences of Neglecting Spiritual Armor

    The Consequences of Neglecting Spiritual Armor

    Pastor Long shared personal stories about times when he neglected to use physical protection and suffered the consequences, like getting blisters from using a jackhammer without gloves. These stories serve as a powerful reminder of the importance of using our spiritual armor. Have you experienced a time when you felt spiritually vulnerable because you weren’t…

  • Putting on the Armor of God: A Daily Practice

    Putting on the Armor of God: A Daily Practice

    In his sermon, Pastor Long emphasized that the Armor of God is not just a concept—it’s a practical tool that we need to actively put on each day. Just as we wouldn’t neglect to wear protective gear when using dangerous equipment, we shouldn’t neglect our spiritual armor. This week, make it a priority to start…

  • Are You Spiritually Protected?

    Are You Spiritually Protected?

    Pastor Long used the analogy of everyday protective items, like gloves and sunglasses, to illustrate the spiritual armor we need to put on daily. Ephesians 6:10-12 tells us that our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against spiritual forces of evil. How often do we go into our day unprotected, neglecting to equip…

  • Equipping Ourselves with the Armor of God

    Equipping Ourselves with the Armor of God

    Yesterday, Pastor Thomas Long delivered a powerful message on the importance of the Armor of God, as outlined in Ephesians 6:10-12. He reminded us that we are in a spiritual battle, not against flesh and blood, but against the forces of evil in the heavenly realms. Just as we use gloves, safety glasses, and other…