From Sunday to Everyday

Welcome to “From Sunday to Everyday,” a space where we extend the message of Sunday’s sermon into your daily life. Here, you can expect to find reflections, practical applications, and spiritual encouragements inspired by Pastor Thomas Long’s teachings. Each week, we’ll dive deeper into the sermon, offering insights and actions to help you stay connected to the Word and grow in your faith throughout the week. Whether you’re looking to reflect on the message, engage with scripture, or find inspiration for your spiritual journey, this is the place to nurture your soul from Sunday to everyday.

  • The Power of Repentance and Redemption

    The Power of Repentance and Redemption

    Jonah’s story is one of rebellion, but also of repentance and redemption. Pastor Long shared how God brought Jonah back to His purpose, even after Jonah tried to flee. Have you ever experienced a time when you ran from God’s will, only to have Him lovingly pursue you? Share your story of how God used…

  • Surrendering to God’s Call

    Surrendering to God’s Call

    Jonah ran from God’s call, but God pursued him relentlessly, using a storm and a great fish to turn Jonah back to His path. This week, Pastor Long challenged us to consider the ways we might be running from God’s calling in our own lives. Is there something God is asking you to do that…

  • What Storms Are Leading You Back to God?

    What Storms Are Leading You Back to God?

    In Jonah 2:1-10, Jonah finds himself in a desperate situation, calling out to God from the belly of a fish. Pastor Long reminded us that sometimes, God allows storms or trials in our lives to wake us up and lead us back to Him. Reflect today on the challenges you’re facing. Could God be using…

  • God’s Pursuit: Lessons from Jonah

    God’s Pursuit: Lessons from Jonah

    Yesterday, Pastor Thomas Long spoke about the story of Jonah from Jonah 2:1-10, reminding us that God will go to great lengths to bring us back to Himself, even when we stray far from His path. Pastor Long emphasized how God uses trials and adversity to get our attention and wake us up spiritually. Jonah…

  • A Prayer for Faith in Action

    A Prayer for Faith in Action

    As we close out the week, let’s pray together: “Heavenly Father, thank You for the reminder in Mark 2:1-17 of the power of faith in action. Help us to be like the friends of the paralyzed man—willing to go the extra mile to bring others into Your presence. Give us the courage, love, and determination…

  • The Power of Faithful Friends

    The Power of Faithful Friends

    Pastor Long reminded us how the paralyzed man was brought to Jesus by the faith and determination of his friends. Do you have a story of how someone else’s faith impacted your life? Or perhaps a time when you played a role in helping a friend come to Christ? Sharing these stories can encourage others…

  • Putting Faith into Action

    Putting Faith into Action

    This week, Pastor Long emphasized the importance of putting our faith into action, just as the paralyzed man’s friends did in Mark 2:1-17. Their love for their friend and faith in Jesus led them to extraordinary lengths to ensure he received healing. This week, think of a practical way you can put your faith into…

  • Are We Bringing Others to Jesus?

    Are We Bringing Others to Jesus?

    In Mark 2:1-17, the faith of the paralyzed man’s friends played a pivotal role in his healing. They didn’t just invite him to come see Jesus—they carried him and overcame obstacles to ensure he made it. Pastor Long asked us to reflect on our own lives. Are we actively helping those around us come to…

  • Faith and Healing: Bringing Others to Jesus

    Faith and Healing: Bringing Others to Jesus

    Yesterday, Pastor Thomas Long shared a powerful message from Mark 2:1-17, where Jesus heals a paralyzed man. This man’s healing was made possible by the faith and determination of his friends, who literally broke through a roof to bring him before Jesus. Pastor Long challenged us to think about how we can help bring others…

  • A Prayer for Childlike Wonder in Worship

    A Prayer for Childlike Wonder in Worship

    As we close the week, let’s pray for renewed excitement in our worship: “Heavenly Father, thank You for reminding us through Jesus’ words in Mark 9:36-37 to welcome Your Kingdom with the joy and eagerness of a child. Forgive us when we approach worship with routine and complacency. Renew our hearts so that we come…