Mary, the Joyful Tracker

This week, the children celebrated the third week of Advent, focusing on Mary, the Joyful Tracker. They reflected on Mary’s courage and joy as she surrendered to God’s plan to bring Jesus into the world. Through this special lesson, the children discovered:

  • True Joy in Surrender: They learned how Mary trusted God’s plan, even when it was difficult, and found joy in her obedience.
  • Joy as a Choice: The children explored the difference between happiness, based on circumstances, and joy, an attitude of the heart rooted in trust in God.
  • The Secret to Joy: They were introduced to the concept of J.O.Y. – Jesus first, Others second, Yourself last – as a way to experience lasting joy.

This Advent lesson encouraged the children to trust God with their lives and choose joy, just as Mary did when she embraced God’s calling.